Salams people welcome to my blogyness

travailing through a dark cold blue sea suddenly you drop as you feel a shiver up your spine as you slowly descend through the darkness there is a flickering light in the distance below as you arrive on the freezing sand that runs in between your toes like sharp icicles every time you tried to take a step towards the light the pain increases but upon reaching the light the beauty that unfolds in front of you is incredible.)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hairy legs... Oh and marriage

just recently I've been asked for my hand in marriage but this wasn't the first time the bother came to asked my hand in marriage the first time his mother and sister came i cant remember how they look because i wasn't taking it seriously because we were having a bit of problems at that time for a reason i actually forgot... That's good... SubhanAllah it just wasn't the right time.
Anyways he came again and my auntie's husband and another brother who's wife we are very close too that was also the brothers friend not the wife her husband ok its getting complicated so anyways THEY looked into it and asked everyone that knew him like people that worked with him and his friend that lived with him for three years and his roommate and i think family so alhumduliLah people only had good to say about him like he had good manners and he practiced his deen and he is patient and is loving to children so alhumduliLah.
After everything was looked into they gave the go sign and we saw each other well more like he saw me because i was too embarrassed to look at him because he was talking to me and asking me questions so obviously he was looking at me and if i was to look up there would have been eye contact which would lead to me fainting which would have been even more embarrassing which then would put me in a coma then i would wake up 20 years later old looking and he would be married to another person with 10 kids and... you get my point, but i did get to see his foot and leg which BTW was on the ground... ha ha it would be funny if anything did happen and this is in the future when we are old with 31 kids living on a farm siting in rocking chairs on a deck and this is what we would look like
and this is what will happen...
HUSBAND:remember the first day we saw each other oh what a beautiful day that was.
ME:yes it was love at first sight...
HUSBAND:what was the most thing you saw attractive about my looks?.
HUSBAND:whats wrong why didn't you answer me?.
HUSBAND:old lady? hey wake up!!!
ME:HUH?? what?!? oh... umm... right well your foot was nice looking and your leg sort of reminded me of mine when i don't wax them but more manly.
HUSBAND: HA HA HA that's what i love about you no matter how fat and old looking you are you still know how to make me laugh.
ME: ha...ha...ha... yeah i was joking... ha...ha...
HUSBAND:yeah so really what did you find most attractive about my looks?.
ME:*runs away while a turtle zooms by*.
So after that was done we gave each other the answer which was: yes from both sides. alhumduliLah i feel comfortable.
Nothings going to happen till after Ramadan inshaAllah all goes well.


  1. loool! huda that was funny! so is this where u are when ur come u never showed me it!!!

  2. assalaam alaykum. great blog huda maashaa'allaah. i found it on aunty iman's facebook! i love this post... too funny!!

  3. i mean i found the link to it on fb... not the blog... the blog is here, not on fb!
