Salams people welcome to my blogyness

travailing through a dark cold blue sea suddenly you drop as you feel a shiver up your spine as you slowly descend through the darkness there is a flickering light in the distance below as you arrive on the freezing sand that runs in between your toes like sharp icicles every time you tried to take a step towards the light the pain increases but upon reaching the light the beauty that unfolds in front of you is incredible.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now for some Seriouse talk !

I’m so fed up with being the same old me.
Like I’m nearly eighteen and I’m still the same as when I was fourteen, ok I might be A lot more mature and different in the way I think and understand things ok well A LOT more different but that’s not what I’m trying to say what I’m trying to say is that I’m still lazy and “laziness gets you nowhere” The problem with me is that I like doing certain things but only when I’m “IN THE MOOD” like graphic designing and sewing and cleaning (I don’t really like cleaning but it has something to do with my point) and the thing is it’s not like I do it on purpose I’m just not “IN THE MOOD” like my room it was a dumpster and I only did it when I was “IN THE MOOD” I realized that I was being ridicules like dah!, for instance I have always liked graphic designing and I have always had a special interest in it and I want to become better at it but I never put any effort into it unless I was “IN THE MOOD” and that sucks.
Another thing is sewing I love it I’m not good at it at all but I still love it but because I’m not “IN THE MOOD” I haven’t improved. I’m not writing this just because I feel like it I’m writing this because I want to improve and the first person I’m writing this too is myself no one ells but me and if you have this problem in commend with me tell me about it.
People like me have a name but I forgot what it was.

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