Salams people welcome to my blogyness

travailing through a dark cold blue sea suddenly you drop as you feel a shiver up your spine as you slowly descend through the darkness there is a flickering light in the distance below as you arrive on the freezing sand that runs in between your toes like sharp icicles every time you tried to take a step towards the light the pain increases but upon reaching the light the beauty that unfolds in front of you is incredible.)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Coolest Baby Ever Much?

Salaams I'm back *waits for someone/anyone/anything to respond to her but realizes the sad truth (yet again) that she is alone talking to herself*...So my mother in-law and sister in-law got a present for banana boy the other day and I Just wanted to share with the world how coolie coolie my son is now that he has his own transportation. This is what they got him
I Got Truck
It's so funny because Every time banana boy rides his shahina (truck) he has this face expression and he acts like his the only child in the world that has a toy car. When he rides it sorry I meant "drives it" his all like:

1 comment:

  1. ooh i love that banana boy and he does look cool on that truck are you jelouse ????
