Salams people welcome to my blogyness

travailing through a dark cold blue sea suddenly you drop as you feel a shiver up your spine as you slowly descend through the darkness there is a flickering light in the distance below as you arrive on the freezing sand that runs in between your toes like sharp icicles every time you tried to take a step towards the light the pain increases but upon reaching the light the beauty that unfolds in front of you is incredible.)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

HOW Could You Do This To Me? Do I Not Exist?!?

Salams :D...

OK Bismillah here I go. This will be my first post since a long time. it's not really anything special but it's a start Something to encourage my brain so it starts working again. ok so the other day I was at my aunties house in the morning while she was out. and it was kind of messy, so I wanted to try to do it before she came back because I knew she was going to come back tired and not really be able to do her house. anyways banana boy was occupying himself while I was cleaning the kitchen, I made sure there wasn't anything dangerous around so I could clean with ease without worrying he would brutally hurt himself with a stick or electro shock his mouth with cords, so as I was cleaning I was happy to know that my son was in the lounge room playing peacefully. As I was wiping the counter tops I looked down and I saw this:

I didn’t even notice he was in the kitchen, I felt like such a bad mother. He had all sorts of crumbs on him. Poor banana boy has to cope with a mother like me I don’t deserve him really may Allah protect him and keep him safe and free of crumbs. Ameeeeeennnn

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